Friday 20 June 2014

I cured gray marks, white spots on my teeth with Zoom teeth whitening

Mary is a mother of three kids, lives in Barrington, USA, was suffering from dirty teeth. Her teeth got darker with age. She also had gray shades and white spots on her teeth. She used to take antibiotics regularly. Discoloration of enamel made her believe she would never be able to get her smile back. She visited a dentist in her area and was told it was possible to get back her most confident smile back. The dentist suggested her an advanced professional bleaching procedure. She was told about Zoom teeth whitening, most requested by patients suffering from stained teeth. Zoom teeth whitening solves the problem of discoloured and stained teeth. Zoom teeth whitening is a bleaching system used for professional makeover of models.

Zoom teeth whitening is said to be safe. It makes the teeth beautiful and natural white again. It helps whitens teeth significantly in 1 hr 30 min appointment. 
                                                                                                After first assessment, she was told Zoom teeth whitening was safe for her.  The treatment starts by covering the gums. The Zoom teeth whitening gel is applied to the teeth. It is applied on teeth three to four times, for fifteen minutes. The gel and laser light work together to get into teeth enamel to whiten it. The teeth are whitened after three four sessions. The active ingredient in Zoom teeth whitening is hydrogen peroxide. It breaks down into oxygen to enter teeth enamel. She needed to take care of the teeth after treatment. She needed to floss, brush her teeth twice a day and whiten her teeth sometimes with Zoom teeth whitening gel.  

You can stain your teeth by frequently drinking coffee, tea and other beverages. Teeth may also be discolored by antibiotics. Tobacco, aging and accidents also cause stained teeth. Zoom teeth whitening is safe under dentist supervision. After Zoom teeth whitening, her smile looks more polished. Getting her teeth whitened was important for her to improve appearance. She smiles more, looks more radiant, beautiful. Whiter teeth are associated with beauty. It gets her more attention.

I couldn’t smile because of my broken tooth. My smile is back after medical treatment.

Hi, my name is Christina from, USA. I am a model and work in television shows and talent shows. I had a darkened front tooth, decaying. It was worrying sign for my career. I was worried how it looked when I smiled. It could also make me lose my television shows. The tooth came out leaving me in pain. The discomfort and anxiety showed. I was asked to leave the show.

I was in pain and I couldn’t smile. The break from work wasn’t nice and I needed to get back to studio. I went to see a dentist. I was told an infection was possible and the tooth could be damaged further.
Teeth can be broken or fractured. Broken tooth is difficult to repair. When a tooth comes off, it can be painful. Care and medical attention can repair the tooth. The teeth enamel is a hard substance; it is difficult to break this surface. A tooth can break off by chewing on hard food, biting hard objects, grinding of teeth, brittle tooth and trauma. The nerve in the tooth is also a source of pain, when you consume anything hot or cold. A broken tooth can be repaired in different ways by a dentist. A minor crack or fracture may be a chip in the teeth. It may be easy to ignore. The smaller chip is easier to treat. Larger chip or sensitive teeth is difficult to repair. If a corner of teeth is broken, white filling can treat the tooth. Sometimes there is no pain in the chipped tooth also. The crack is more painful as the damage reaches the nerve. It makes the teeth sensitive.  

A chipped tooth may be caused by falling, eating hard food, suffering trauma, tooth decay. The tooth should be rinsed with warm water. Apply pressure to the area on the face where you have hurt yourself. You can place an ice pack. If you cannot see the dentist after the tooth broke off, cover the teeth with dental cement. 

If the white filling gets out, you may need porcelain veneer or crown. I found porcelain stronger, it and lasts longer, like natural teeth. The dentist needs to take care of the repaired front tooth looks like the neighbouring tooth. After treatment, the tooth should be treated with care. You should avoid hard and sticky food. The dentist prescribes painkiller like ibuprofen or acetaminophen.   

Know When You Have Periodontal Gum Disease

It is possible you have gum disease and you may not know. There may be no symptoms. Sometimes brushing your teeth is also difficult. Even those who brush their teeth regularly, have bleeding gums. Many get their teeth professionally cleaned by a dentist, go for a dental checkup regularly also face the same problem. Your gums are bleeding because they are red and swollen. The symptoms include bad taste in your mouth, a wobbly tooth, gum abcesses. There are many other causes of gum problems. Painful ulcers that bleed easily is another symptom of gum disease. Regular visit to the dentist can also help in the diagnosis of gum disease.
Red and swollen are also caused by simple reasons. It may be due to incorrect or irregular brushing technique. It allows plaque to build up in the space between the gum and teeth. You can solve this problem by regular brushing and flossing to remove plaque. Gums are delicate, and irregular brushing technique creates gum problems. You should use a soft toothbrush. Brush with gentle, circular motions to clean teeth when you are brushing with soft toothbrush. Conventional brushing technique of back and forth motion, irritates gums, causing them to bleed. While flossing our teeth, we need to be careful to avoid bleeding gums. Avoid brushing with medium or hard bristles because they can damage the gums. It may cause more irritation. Mouth ulcers on gums can also lead to swelling.

Gum disease is caused by bacteria, mucus and other particles. Tartar is hardened dental plaque which is difficult to remove by brushing and flossing teeth. Tartar can only be removed by a professional dentist.

Plaque and tartar become more harmful if they are not cleaned in time. There are two stages in gum diseases, gingivitis and periodontitis. Regular brushing and flossing also take care of gingivitis. It is a mild form of gum problems. Gingivitis leads to space between gum and teeth, also known as periodontitis. The space between gum and teeth gets infected with bacteria. The disease spreads with build up of plaque and tartar. Periodontitis disease affects the gum and bone structure. As a result of the disease, the teeth become loose, and they can fall out also. Red and swollen gums are first treated by the professional dental cleaning with the help of electric toothbrush, scalers, and antiseptic mouthwash. Severe gum disease is treated by surgery.